Covid guidelines

Camp Monk COVID-19 Safety Standards

The health and safety of our community is our top priority, and it’s important to us that we stay prepared as COVID-19 continues to affect our Hosts and Campers. With that, we’ve created COVID-19 Safety Standards so Hosts can self-certify that they have implemented certain minimum safety-related standards on their properties.
While we expect all Camp Monk Hosts to meet these standards, Hosts who self-certify that they have implemented the following COVID-19 Safety Standards will earn a badge.*

In agreement, we ask you to:

1. Comply with all central, state and local laws that may apply to your hosting activity, including health, safety, and travel restrictions.

We expect that you resume hosting only after any relevant restrictions have been lifted. These may include lockdown directives, nonessential travel restrictions, group size restrictions, or short-term rental prohibitions.

2. Clean and disinfect any structures including tents and shared amenities before and after all bookings.

Clean with soap and water, then use a government-recommended disinfectant to help reduce risk. When using a disinfectant, follow the label directions for safe, effective use. Ensure all shared amenities are thoroughly cleaned between uses by different groups.

3. Create opportunities for physical distancing between camper groups.

Encourage physical distancing between separate groups by configuring shared bathrooms, kitchen facilities, and other indoor and outdoor amenities so that those from different parties can maintain a distance of at least six feet. Consider closing or prohibiting access to shared amenities for which you are unable to maintain an appropriate cleaning schedule.